May 16, 2019

Alabama's reproductive restrictions? Hard pass. Henry Rollins fan fiction? Yes, please!

Boredwalk Peachy Freaking Keen Shirt

Yikes. What. A. Week.

Folks, I don't want to be a downer, but the good ship Boredwalk has run aground. 

Meredith and I delve into it in detail in this week's podcast episode — which you can (and should!) listen to below, but rest assured we still had the fortitude to put our game faces on, pour ourselves some glasses of cheap wine, and make with the funny!

This week we talk a bit about our recent price increase (more on that below, along with some EPIC discount codes to make up for them), new products & designs, and our new free shipping AND exchange policy. We also share our frustrations about the advertising climate on Facebook & Instagram and how that's not great for Boredwalk's future, lament the state of reproductive affairs in the southeast United States, and have a hot take on whether progressive-leaning creative professionals should boycott working and/or performing in Alabama & Georgia as a result (unsatisfying hint: it depends!)

We also share TWO customer reviews and LOTS of comments from fans of our new Question Of The Day feature on Facebook & Instagram. Turns out the internet is teeming with humorless drags. Who'd have guessed!? Thankfully, they're heavily outnumbered by normal folks like us that realize that a.) the world definitely needs Henry Rollins fan fiction in it, and b.) there are terrible people from all walks of life who should be playfully (and anonymously) shamed for their poor social skills. Eye rolls for everybody! YOU get an eye roll, and YOU get an eye roll! EVERYBODY GETS AN EYE ROLL!

As we mention in the episode, we realize that, while modest, our recent price increase may be disappointing. We agree! We definitely didn't want to do it, but as we explained earlier this week on the blog and on the podcast, it was a necessity.

That said, we don't want to leave our dedicated long-time customers & fans (or new ones!) in the lurch.

That's why now through 11:59PM on Sunday May 19th orders of $75 or more are eligible for 20% OFF with the code BWBFF20, and ALL orders — regardless of value — are eligible for 15% OFF with the code BWBFF15! And yes, this still includes our customary free U.S. shipping and exchanges!

We've really appreciated your support over the last five years (and if you've been a fan since the Ex-Boyfriend days, even longer) and are so honored that you've invited our art and humor into your lives, even if it's via something as relatively mundane as a t-shirt.

Oh, and do us a favor — tell all your friends! We don't really do promotions this deep, so if they've been jealously eyeing your threads, tell them that this weekend is the perfect time to get their own!

And if you missed it on Tuesday, don't forget to enter to win The Mother Of All Giveaways! The prize pack this month includes a $100 gift card from Boredwalk, a $100 gift card from Cameoko, a free kimono robe & sleep mask from Nuno, and 10 pairs of slipper socks from Fuzzy Babba! Be sure to tell all your friends about that one, too!

We'll be back next week with more new designs, a fresh podcast ep featuring more fan submissions (maybe even YOURS!), and — let's face it — more snark than you can shake a stick at. Until then...

Peace, love, and tacos,


Boredwalk Elizabeth Warren 46 President Hoodie

Boredwalk Hell-Bent Feminist She-Devil Racer Back Tank Top

Boredwalk Away Mode Vacation Shirt

Boredwalk The Personal Is Political Scoop Neck Shirt