April 07, 2021


Happy National Beer Day! If you partake, I hope you're able to enjoy a pint of your favorite lager, pilsner, ale, or stout today. And if you don't, that's cool, too! My favorite nonalcoholic beverage is seltzer water, because I happen to believe that bubbles elevate most drinking experiences. 

Why is National Beer Day observed on April 7th? Because that's the anniversary of the Cullen-Harrison Act being signed into law in 1933, reversing the ill-conceived prohibition of alcohol sales in the United States. After water and tea, beer is the most popular beverage on the planet, with over 35 billion gallons produced annually worldwide. 


So many famous birthday boys/girls/persons today! They are as follows:

Musicians: Eleanora "Billie Holiday" Fagan (1915) and Ravi Shankar (1920)

Politicians: Successful former California governor and failed former presidential candidate Jerry Brown (1938)

Actors/Filmmakers: Francis Ford Coppola (1939), Jackie Chan (1954), and Russell Crowe (1964)

OK, OK...you've waited long enough. It's link time!

1. Get excited to take on the day with some high energy break dancing!

Fun fact: Meredith used to be a b-girl, and when we met she had just recovered from a recent wrist injury from dancing like this!

2. Parenthood is a tough racket, no matter the species.

I know that the term "herding cats" is a popular one, but after this video of a stressed out mama bear struggling to get her cubs across the street, maybe we should change it to "herding bears"?

3. Normally I like to keep religion out of Boredwalk emails...

...but I will happily make an exception for the good folks at Clackamas United Church of Christ in Oregon. Delightful! Also, to our Jewish friends, we wish you peace today on Yom Hashoah.

4. And if your spiritual path is a bit more pagan and earthy...

...please enjoy the fairytale photography of artist Katerina Plotnikova!

5. Finally, if you're interested in hearing Meredith talk a bit about Boredwalk and the community that has coalesced around our corner of the internet, give this a listen!

She was recently a guest on the Awarepreneurs podcast to talk about Boredwalk's somewhat contrarian view of the world, and it's actually a pretty cool synopsis of what Boredwalk does, how we started, our company culture, and the sort of impact we're trying to have on the world around us. So if you're at all interested in Boredwalk be sure to check it out!